Frequently Asked Questions
Aren’t there too many PH’s in the market? Is there room for me?
“Many new professional hunters enter the market and make a success of it. The professional hunting business is like any other business, it is competitive and requires good planning, and hard work. Professional hunting is a way of life and there is no such thing as locking the office door at five to spend a quite evening at home. A professional hunters day starts at 5am. and often only ends at 1 O.OOpm. for somebody that is willing to work hard, likes people and nature there is a place in the industry. You determine your own success.”
How is the assessment done?
“The course consists of two main components, the theory exams and the practical assessment. The theory exams can be divided into two components namely the legal exam and the general exam. The legal exam will deal with the conservation law(s) currently enforced in the province where the course is held. The general exam consists of all aspects relating to shot placement, tracking, specie identification, ballistics, first aid, trophy photography, bow hunting, bird hunting, general ecology, skinning and trophy preparation, etc. The practical assessment that is done during the course consists of practical assessment of shooting ability, skinning, tracking, specie identification, measuring methods, trophy judging, spoor identification and hunting ability.”
Must I re-do the whole course if I fail a section of the course?
“No, depending on the section that has to be repeated, it can be done as follows. If one of the theory exams is failed an arrangement must be made with the appropriate nature conservation department to re-write the exam at their offices, or it can be re-written at a future course if arranged beforehand. If any section of the practical assessment is failed it can be re-done at any time after the course, the necessary arrangements must be made with the School Director.”
Can I register as an outfitter immediately after the course?
“The national policy on professional hunting determines that a professional hunter must act as such for a minimum period of 3 years before registration as a hunting outfitter can be done. The exception is that a landowner (or a responsible person who acts on his behalf), who possesses an exempted game farm with an approved camp may register as hunting outfitter immediately after the course.”
What must I study before the course?
“Upon registration you will be faxed a list of the Safari Club International and Roland Ward minimum trophy sizes. It is important to know this list for exam purposes but more importantly it will assist with the practical trophy estimation that is practised every day. Knowing the Rowland Vard gives you a benchmark to work from when estimating trophies. Also read up books on identification of small mammals, antelope of southern Africa as well as birds. (Concentrate on the game birds ((water and terrestrial)), ibis’s, buries, eagles, doves, pigeons, storks, bustards and sand grouse).
The Limpopo Environmental Management Act will be given to students doing the Limpopo course to familiarise themselves with, prior to the course.”
Will I cope on the course?
“Amateur hunters with good biltong hunting experience generally cope well on the course, the student should however bear in mind that the course is intensive, of a high standard and a lot of study work will have to be done.”